Saving scripts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As you start writing more SQL, it's helpful to work on each query in a separate SQL pane and to save your work as reusable scripts. *DB Browser for SQLite* offers a few handy features for this workflow, including the ability to save and re-open scripts. If you navigate to the *Execute SQL* panel, you should see a series of buttons towards the upper left that look like this: |sql_new_open_save_tab| You can create new tabs for additional SQL queries by clicking the *Open tab* button (|open_tab|). You can save the SQL in any tab using the *Save SQL file* button (|save_sql_button|). This will fire up a window that lets you choose a location and name for your script. Scripts should always have a *.sql* file extension, e.g. *my-awesome-script.sql* |save_sql_window| Finally, you can re-open a saved script by clicking the *Open SQL file* button (|open_sql_file_button|). .. |sql_new_open_save_tab| image:: ../_static/appendix/sql_new_open_save_tab.png .. |open_tab| image:: ../_static/appendix/open_tab.png .. |save_sql_button| image:: ../_static/appendix/save_sql_button.png .. |save_sql_window| image:: ../_static/appendix/save_sql_window.png .. |open_sql_file_button| image:: ../_static/appendix/open_sql_file_button.png