Pull yourself together: The concatenate operator (\|\|) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sometimes we want to combine values from different columns, either in the WHERE clause or for the results. SQLite uses double-pipes ( \|\| ) - more formally known as the concatenation operator - to combine strings. You can combine both literal strings (in quotation marks) and column values using this operator. Say, for instance, we want a nicely formatted list of cities and states for contributors. To create a single result column that contains the city and state separated by a comma, we can use this query: :: SELECT city || ',' || state FROM contributors ORDER BY state, city; We insert the comma and space as a literal string concatenated with the values from the city and state columns. |image14| Note: Some other database management systems, such as MySQL use the ``CONCAT()`` function to perform concatenation. For example, ``SELECT CONCAT (city, ', ', state) FROM contributors;`` will *not* work in SQLite. .. |image14| image:: ../_static/part2/concat_city_state.png